Virgo horoscope today

Virgo horoscope October 17th, 2022

Virgo summary for today:

Beginning with October 10th, 2022 we see that Mercury entered Libra pressing on us already for 5 days now.
Having Venus entering Scorpio as the next big move from October 23rd, 2022 leading us to believe Mercury’s presence is the one affecting us the most at the time.
Virgo will feel a higher impact than the other eleven signs, in general, a constructive effect will be felt in love life, leaving the not so appealing consequences for financial situation.
Another crucial point to take into consideration is that Mercury is in its direct progression, leaning largely aspects in a positive way, having 6 days left until the progression switches back to a retrograde motion after October 23rd, 2022, keeping a positive imprint over the sign.

Monday is set out to be all about forward-looking interaction and events, pushing you to take on new challenges and aproach new people.
Virgo is getting the highlight on them for a change, and the biggest effect should come in your love life.

Virgo love horoscope

Even if provoking situations appear, you will be helped to overcome them, expressing yourself comes more natural.
Don’t lock up your passionate thoughts, intimacy could be deepened faster than you think.

Virgo financial horoscope

All signs point to developments in your financial situation, decisions so far, although tough, have pushed you forward.
Your finances are on the road to recovery, don’t venture out on risky gambles just yet.

Virgo happiness and karma

A push in the right direction will most likely be felt today, some good opportunities are might open up.
These are the numbers that may lead the day for Virgo: 46, 44, 30, keeping a visual reference with gray, and lavender.