Virgo summary for today:
As of December 21st, 2024 we see that the Sun entered Capricorn (Winter Solstice) pressing on us already for 9.1194876204398 days now.
Having as the next big move from December 31st, 1969 meaning that ‘s power is the one that shines the most.
Virgo will feel a higher influence than the other eleven signs, taking a broader view, the adverse impact will be most felt in luck state, compensated in turn by forward-looking vibes for love life.
An important aspect as well regards the direct way of the Sun, pressing upon the sign a positive effect, with 1.8333333333333E-8 days left until it switches to a retrograde motion trajectory on December 31st, 1969, for now keeping a positive effect on the sign.
Affinities are set to thrive on Tuesday as a new wave of optimism sweeps in, pushing you to take on new difficulties and aproach new people.
Needless to say, this is a welcome switch in the scenery for Virgo and your love life is the definitive aspect in all this.
Virgo love horoscope
From all indications, your love life seems to be on an upward path, you may finally get the assurance that you need.
You might be faced with a person with which you resonate deeply, events will tend to take on their own momentum.
Virgo financial horoscope
Still feeling like an uphill battle, overcoming something unexpected might have pushed you back.
Don’t let minor setbacks lead you away from your path, just remember that this process has an end and a positive outcome.
Virgo happiness and karma
This could not be your luckiest day so far, let any actions based on this for the following days.
Here are three of the numbers that might have an influence on Virgo today: 50, 48, 38, and some of the colors that set the tone: gold, and blue.