Virgo summary for today:
Starting from December 7th, 2024 we get another perspective as Venus entered Aquarius, and its influence is already felt for 5.2493551954861 days now.
Waiting as Sun enters Capricorn (Winter Solstice) challenging with December 21st, 2024 hard that Venus’s position is influencing us the most.
All signs point to a higher sway for Virgo, in general, a forward-looking influence will be felt in financial situation, leaving the not so appealing consequences for luck state.
One other major aspect to be regarded as that Venus is on a direct trajectory, leaning largely factors in a positive way, 8.880505915625 days will have to pass for this current state to consolidate, and after December 21st, 2024 things will swap back to as it will enter a retrograde motion, keeping a positive imprint over the sign.
Friday is set out to be all about forward-looking cooperation and events marking the beginning of something new in your life.
Virgo is getting the highlight on them for a change, and the biggest impact should come in your financial situation.
Virgo love horoscope
Some trouble could lie ahead today, moving a relationship further might not be the best thing now.
This could prove like a good time to take a break from interferences and spend more time with loved ones, try and enjoy the simpler things, all will fall into place eventually.
Virgo financial horoscope
Your finances are not at the level you wish, overcoming something unexpected might have pushed you back.
Keep a determined overview on the entire situation, just remember that this process has an end and a positive outcome.
Virgo happiness and karma
It’s better that you don’t base decisions on luck this day, it’s likely that this will improve in the following days.
Three numbers that might impact the day for Virgo: 16, 3, 39, helping the visual and emotional part with seagreen, and coral.