Taurus horoscope today

Taurus horoscope March 18th, 2025

Taurus summary for today:

Having passed March 10th, 2025 we feel something is changing as Saturn entered Pisces having an influence on us for 7 days now.
With the Sun entering Virgo starting from March 20th, 2025 leading us to believe Saturn’s presence is the one affecting us the most at the time.
Its influence on Aquarius is higher than with other signs, taking a broader view, the negative impact will be most felt in luck state, compensated in turn by positive vibes for love life.
Another crucial point to take into consideration is that Saturn is in its retrograde progression, pressing upon the sign a positive influence, this for the next 3 days as of March 20th, 2025 it will change course and enter a direct motion, placing the sign in a positive outlook for the time being.

Other planetary positions that can interfere: Venus with a positive influence as its movement is on a direct path, Neptune with a positive influence as its movement is on a direct path.

Having some new and forward-looking interactions on , lifting your spirit and slowly bringing back a sense of joy.
On the way to better things, Taurus seems to be forced forward by emotions, even in some issues may be visible in your financial situation, they shall be compensated by your love life.

Taurus love Horoscope

New paths of delight open effortlessly, encircling you in joyous possibility.
A renewed sense of energy brightens your love life, weaving enthusiastic visions for times ahead.

A much-awaited special person draws closer, unveiling your heart’s unwavering promise.
Let the buoyant mood crown this moment, granting a lasting sense of fulfillment.

Taurus financial Horoscope

An uphill climb still characterizes your finances, requiring a determined stance each day.
Though worst times may lie behind you, leaving you eager for stable footing again.

Don’t let small setbacks divert you, fueling confident strides toward resolution.
Clarity forms as you continue pushing ahead, matching your diligence with tangible results.

Taurus happiness & wellbeing

A mild nudge of good fortune might grace you, though attention to details strengthens its effect.

Don’t underestimate the effect of this gentle cosmic push.

Here are three numbers that may shape your day, Taurus: 9, 47, 17

and a set of colors that might fortify your wellbeing: lime and maroon.