Taurus summary for today:
Starting from November 21st, 2024 we get another perspective as the Sun entered Sagittarius pressing on us already for 12.677817432049 days now.
Having Venus entering Aquarius as the next big move from December 7th, 2024 leading us to believe Venus’s presence is the one affecting us the most at the time.
Taurus will feel a lower impact than the other eleven signs, on a more general view, luck state will carry most of the adverse ground whilst the silver ligning will be shown on love life.
A crucial angle to also take into account is that the Sun is in its direct trajectory, having a positive effect on your sign, this state will be going on for the next 2.7506547901736 days, and then demanding December 7th, 2024 it will change back to a retrograde motion, placing the sign in a positive outlook for the time being.
Your sense of fortitude could be put through the test, not something that you never beat before, but still difficult.
Responsible for towing you down will perhaps be your luck state, your love life may strengthen your resolution.
Taurus love horoscope
Fresh new prospects are foreseen to brighten your day, recharging your batteries with a sense of freshness in your love life.
Consolidation of a key relationship is likely, progress should be smooth and problem free.
Taurus financial horoscope
Things are not moving as fast as you would wish, overcoming something unexpected might have pushed you back.
Picking up the pieces might be a draining effort, bare in mind that this journey will reward you.
Taurus happiness and karma
It’s better that you don’t base decisions on luck this day, let any actions based on this for the following days.
These are the numbers that might lead the day for Taurus: 25, 18, 31, and some of the colors that set the tone: maroon, and violet.