Leo horoscope today

Leo horoscope March 19th, 2023

Leo summary for today:

Once we passed December 21st, 2022 we feel something is changing as the Sun entered Capricorn (Winter Solstice) pressing on us already for 86 days now.
With hard from December 31st, 1969 hard that ‘s influence is being felt as greatest.
A higher influence will probably be pressed on Leo, taking a broader view, the gloomy impact will be most felt in financial situation, compensated in turn by positive vibes for luck state.
A crucial angle to also take into account is that the Sun is in its direct trajectory, pushing things in a positive way, this for the next 0 days as of December 31st, 1969 it will change course and enter a retrograde motion, for now keeping a positive influence on the sign.

Something positive is on the horizon for persons born under Leo, building upon a feel you had for a long time.
Your luck state might bring the most benefits to the table, although other factors of your life are not to be ignored.

Leo love horoscope

Your love life could really prove turbulent, letting your guard down might mean a big mistake today.
Even if you strive to bring this part of your life to the right path, help will be needed from outside places, step lightly over this field and things will smoothen up in time.

Leo financial horoscope

Money might be in short supply especially when it comes to personal expenses, and it will be up to you alone to sort this out.
Developing a habit of saving up for such occasions can really help, try not to worry and keep your focus, as all will be ok once again.

Leo happiness and karma

You could feel the need to put more effort in today, luck is something elusive for now.
These few numbers could mark a certain importance for Leo: 50, 4, 25, with some of the colors that can bring harmony: maroon, and azure.