Leo horoscope today

Leo horoscope January 1st, 2025

Leo summary for today:

As of December 21st, 2024 our focus turns, as the Sun entered Capricorn (Winter Solstice), and its effect is already felt for 10.119486243275 days now.
As on December 31st, 1969 meaning that ‘s power is the one that shines the most.
Leo will feel a lower impact than the other eleven signs, looking at the overall picture, the sign hights will perhaps come from financial situation, whilst a damper on enthusiasm can appear in love life.
A crucial angle to also take into consideration is that the Sun is in its direct trajectory, pushing things in a positive way, having 1.912037037037E-8 days left until the progression switches back to a retrograde motion after December 31st, 1969, thus giving a positive mark currently on the sign.

Fasten yourself as Leo will have a provoking day, taking a toll on your mood and state of mind.
Long time relations will be proved on Wednesday, caution is advised as careful consideration may brighten this January 1st, 2025.

Leo love horoscope

A day in which your love life will probably resemble a balancing act, Leo face having to take decisions under pressure.
You may be confronted by an unexpected person, even with all this, a positive result is anticipated to emerge.

Leo financial horoscope

Odds are high that you will receive an unexpected sum of money in the following days, helping you deal with day to day activities easily.
View your finances as a means not a goal, once you detach yourself more from this, joy will come.

Leo happiness and karma

Influences in the right directions can be felt today, this may lead to a well deserved boost in confidence.
These are the numbers that might lead the day for Leo: 50, 47, 15, with some of the colors that may bring stability: skyblue, and lavender.