Leo horoscope today

Archived 250423 post for Leo on 2016-09-07

Daily Leo horoscope summary

One step at the time, this is most likely the characterization of Wednesday, baby steps that build up to stable improvements.
No need to worry, even if your financial status is not up to a maximum, your love life might will give you a much needed boost.


A great opportunity for new and exciting connections is expected for today, so keep and open mind and be more sociable.
Perseverance can be rewarding, your love life is set to flourish, improvements are announced in all aspects of your personal life.

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Strains are laid on your financial situation today, be cautious and watch your spending.
You need to watch out and avoid costly traps, not everything that looks like a bargain ends up being one.


Not a day in which you have to let your guard down, although you may feel that things are going for the better in terms of health, vigilance is still recommended.
Better things are still ahead of you, more energy and overall a higher desire to be active should follow.