Leo horoscope today

Archived 931725 post for Leo on 2016-09-05

Daily Leo horoscope summary

Load yourself with patience today and try to view every downside as a threat to be overcome.
Monday looks tricky from the horoscope’s perspective, tings are not set in your way as far as financial status is concerned, but don’t despair, mid day marks a change for the better.


You are susceptible in making some mistakes today regarding close relationships, so be cautious.
A complicated and complex day is ahead of you, decisions may influence your personal life, so take a step back and think things over.

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Not all in life resumes to money, but that does not mean that you can do without them.
You need to watch out and avoid costly traps, not everything that looks like a bargain ends up being one.


More discipline in your habits is likely to bring you long term benefits, improving your life altogether.
Try and approach all aspects of any hurdle that may be placed in your path today, gather more information and make wise decisions.