Leo horoscope today

Archived 425255 post for Leo on 2016-11-04

Daily Leo horoscope summary

Expect changes for the better on Friday, although minor challenges may arise, the overall fell of the day is a constructive one.
A good day is expected today, with some challenges in terms of financial status but nothing permanent or insurmountable.


Brush aside all negative aspects that have been lurking in your love life in the past and embrace new found relationships.
Enthusiasm will flow through your vein today, chances are high to get butterflies in the stomach once again.

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Caution is advice by the horoscope for today, cut back on futile expenses and pay attention to deals that sound to good to be true.
You may need to make a long term plan, Leo born should make notes of every expense and every income to balance their money.


Try and get rid of stress, look beyond this day and the approximate future, think big and plan on the long run.
Load up with constructive thoughts, these help not only for your morale but have a good effect on your body as well.