Leo horoscope today

Archived 911811 post for Leo on 2016-08-27

Daily Leo horoscope summary

Make your decisions based on fact rather than feelings, Saturday is a day in which pragmatism should take over optimism.
Your financial status can be on a downward trajectory, but just for the middle of the day, whilst health state is in favor.


It’s not really likely to make long lasting connections today, but keep an open mind and do your best.
Certainly there have been better days in your love life so far but that does not mean that you should pass up throws few opportunities, at least that’s not what your Leo horoscope recommends.

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If your finances are low, this should raise some red flags, train yourself to spot the hidden dangers in your spending.
No easy task to navigate is today’s world with diminished finances, it will take some tenacity to get back on your feet.


Not a day in which you have to let your guard down, although you may feel that things are going for the better in terms of health, vigilance is still recommended.
Always keep an eye out, consolidate your current wellness status, it’s all about being better than yourself.