Leo horoscope today

Archived 442831 post for Leo on 2016-10-21

Daily Leo horoscope summary

Friday is a day that should be full of new hope and prospects, a day that is in your advantage.
Your love life is the factor that will most likely try and dampen your mood, but here to compensate, your financial status will have a constructive influence.


A great opportunity for new and exciting connections is expected for today, so keep and open mind and be more sociable.
You may feel the need for more stability in your personal life, a bit of effort from your part and you may be rewarded.

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Look for new partnerships this will be in your favor for the following days, if carefully approached they will bring financial comfort.
Try and keep an open mind, although spotting the dangers is not always at hand, you should navigate with success through this period.


Today is a day that signals well being, accompanied by a state of mind that will push you to explore new frontiers and ideas.
Allow yourself more time for socializing and pleasurable activities, break out of a boring routine.