Leo horoscope today

Archived 468123 post for Leo on 2016-08-17

Daily Leo horoscope summary

Wednesday the 17th of August 2016, will test your diplomatic abilities and may mark a decisive day.
Some indications are that your love life can give a much needed boost whilst in your financial status more like calm waters may be present.


Leo natives are in a position of power today in regards to they love life, buy a gift for no reason, be a good listener and good things will come.
Take the initiative especially if the person you admire is in difficulty, offer reassurance and everything will be OK.

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You might seem affected on all plans by some troubles in your financial state, temporary as they may be, your finances require more attention.
You may seem a little short in terms of money, Leo natives are resilient by nature and small changes in habits can get you past your problems fast.


Obstacles may be placed in front of you today from your health and fitness perspective so caution is advised.
Be watchful and fend off any unnecessary dangers, prudence is the word that should characterize your lifestyle at least for today.