Gemini summary for today:
As of December 21st, 2022 we see that the Sun entered Capricorn (Winter Solstice) pressing on us already for 332 days now.
As on December 31st, 1969 meaning that ‘s power is the one that shines the most.
Gemini will feel a lower influence than the other eleven signs, but largely it will give a plus in luck state, leaving a bit to be desired in love life.
Another big aspect here is that the Sun is in its direct route, having a positive impact on your sign, this for the next 0 days as of December 31st, 1969 it will change course and enter a retrograde motion, keeping a positive imprint over the sign.
Prepare yourself as Gemini will have a demanding day, tough you to come up with various answers.
Monday will make you face some hard decisions, an opportunity to prove what you stand for.
Gemini love horoscope
Even binded relations may suffer as your love life is set to be on a rough path, letting your guard down may mean a big mistake today.
Try and keep a bit of distance when things get heated up, step lightly over this field and things will smoothen up in time.
Gemini financial horoscope
Things are not moving as fast as you would wish, overcoming something unexpected might have pushed you back.
Small bumps could still appear but nothing major, keep on the right track and the money will follow.
Gemini happiness and karma
This could prove to be one of the days in which perseverance, rather than luck, is needed, focus more on your own strength rather than luck.
A small group of numbers that could impact the day for Gemini: 36, 32, 21, with some of the colors that may bring harmony: navy, and olive.