Leo horoscope today

Archived 198219 post for Leo on 2017-02-12

Daily Leo horoscope summary Changes are on the horizon when it comes to Sunday’s astrological forecast, and the most likely path is an upward one.Factor can have various influences through out the day, your financial status is the one that is likely to produce joy whilst your love life may be characterized by stability. Love […]

Leo horoscope today

Archived 459164 post for Leo on 2017-02-11

Daily Leo horoscope summary Improvements are likely to appear in the horizon when it comes to your Saturday horoscope, this day is characterized by dynamism most of all.Your love life is a beneficial factor, influencing your day for the better whilst some minor problems may crop up in your health state. Love This may prove […]

Leo horoscope today

Archived 154794 post for Leo on 2017-02-10

Daily Leo horoscope summary A day that can bring optimism for you, Friday should be a pleasant day that marks changes for the better.On the rise, your financial status seems to be the one that will give reasons to smile, while your health state will probably need more work. Love Love is just the factor […]

Leo horoscope today

Archived 595140 post for Leo on 2017-02-09

Daily Leo horoscope summary You may have the feeling that Thursday is just another day and in many ways you will be right, but things are slightly changing for the better and improvements are sure to follow.Factor can have various influences through out the day, your love life is the one that is likely to […]

Leo horoscope today

Archived 253189 post for Leo on 2017-02-08

Daily Leo horoscope summary Changes are on the horizon when it comes to Wednesday’s astrological forecast, and the most likely path is an upward one.Your financial status is a beneficial factor, influencing your day for the better whilst some minor problems may crop up in your love life. Love Better things are about to appear […]

Leo horoscope today

Archived 463991 post for Leo on 2017-02-07

Daily Leo horoscope summary Some reasons to smile on Tuesday the 7th of February 2017 as things in general are likely to pick up for you.Not all aspects may be positive in regards to today, for example your love life has some negative influences pressing down. Love You might want to postpone pursuing new affairs […]

Leo horoscope today

Archived 711580 post for Leo on 2017-02-06

Daily Leo horoscope summary One step at the time, this is most likely the characterization of Monday, baby steps that build up to stable improvements.The small pleasures in life will probably be given by your love life, compensating somehow for your health state that will not see such a great improvement today. Love Love is […]

Leo horoscope today

Archived 251832 post for Leo on 2017-02-05

Daily Leo horoscope summary A good day is set to be ahead of you, Sunday will bring it’s ups and downs of course but taking charge will lead you to have a great state of mind.Some cautions steps are advise in terms of your financial status, but nothing that will mark a great down, your […]

Leo horoscope today

Archived 647466 post for Leo on 2017-02-04

Daily Leo horoscope summary You should pay attention to any challenges that Saturday will place in your path.In terms of influence for today, your health state is in a favorable position, whilst your financial status needs taking care of. Love As far as your love status for today, the Leo horoscope recommends you to be […]

Leo horoscope today

Archived 898691 post for Leo on 2017-02-03

Daily Leo horoscope summary Make your decisions based on fact rather than feelings, Friday is a day in which pragmatism should take over optimism.Although the day might not start with a bang, have faith, your health state should be on a plus side. Love Love and relationships in general, may be put through some though […]

Leo horoscope today

Archived 270449 post for Leo on 2017-02-02

Daily Leo horoscope summary Thursday the 2nd of February 2017 is set to deliver some good news in your life, although at present things may not be great, in the near future there is hope for more.Not all aspects may be positive in regards to today, for example your financial status has some negative influences […]

Leo horoscope today

Archived 223202 post for Leo on 2017-02-01

Daily Leo horoscope summary A day that can bring optimism for you, Wednesday should be a pleasant day that marks changes for the better.No need to worry, even if your health state is not up to a maximum, your love life might will give you a much needed boost. Love Time to spice things up, […]