Capricorn horoscope today

Capricorn horoscope October 11th, 2022

Capricorn summary for today:

As of October 10th, 2022 we feel something is changing as Mercury entered Libra having an influence on us for 0 days now.
With Venus entering Scorpio demanding from October 23rd, 2022 leading us to believe Mercury’s presence is the one affecting us the most at the time.
Its impact on Capricorn is lower than with other signs, but largely it will give a plus in financial situation, leaving a bit to be desired in love life.
A crucial angle to also take into account is that Mercury is in its direct trajectory, leaning largely aspects in a positive way, with 12 days left until it switches to a retrograde motion trajectory on October 23rd, 2022, having a positive impact on your sign.

Some concern might set in on Tuesday, things could happen fast and your attention will be strained.
Love life will perhaps be the one that causes the most issues but no enduring scarring should be left by this.

Capricorn love horoscope

Problems may pop-up from unexpected places in your love life, even early in the day, small clashes may occur.
Some adjustments are required in your view of the emotional world around you, all issues that occur will cool down gradually.

Capricorn financial horoscope

You may expect a surprising boost in your finances in the days to follow, helping you enjoy the pleasant things in life more.
View your finances as a means not a goal, leave room to enjoy other things in life.

Capricorn happiness and karma

You may feel that something or someone is guiding you forward, most likely leading up to a pleasant surprise during the day.
These are the numbers that may lead the day for Capricorn: 3, 25, 17, keeping a visual reference with green, and sienna.