Capricorn horoscope today

Capricorn horoscope May 20th, 2023

Capricorn summary for today:

Starting from December 21st, 2022 we feel something is changing as the Sun entered Capricorn (Winter Solstice) pressing on us already for 148 days now.
Waiting as tough with December 31st, 1969 meaning that ‘s power is the one that shines the most.
Its effect on Capricorn is higher than with other signs, looking at the overall picture, the sign hights will most likely come from luck state, whilst a damper on enthusiasm can appear in love life.
Another crucial point to take into consideration is that the Sun is in its direct progression, having a positive effect on your sign, this state will be going on for the next 0 days, and then challenging December 31st, 1969 it will change back to a retrograde motion, keeping a positive imprint over the sign.

Something effective is on the horizon for persons born under Capricorn, cementing a feel you had for a long time.
Of all aspects involved, your luck state is the one that appears to shine, in turn, this bringing other aspects of your day forward.

Capricorn love horoscope

Whatever changes you encounter today, all fade away, words could seem hard to find but the substance of your feelings is there.
A meaningful conversation can bring out deep-buried secrets, you should be feeling more uplifted and refreshed.

Capricorn financial horoscope

Your financial balance should be on the plus side today, you may be presented with a sum of money.
With an eye out for deals that sound too good to be true, more confidence will, in turn, bring more benefits.

Capricorn happiness and karma

You might start to feel a positive influence, building up confidence and self-esteem along the way.
These few numbers can mark a certain importance for Capricorn: 25, 11, 31, with some of the colors that may bring balance: orange, and lavender.