Capricorn summary for today:
Starting from December 21st, 2024 we have an big switch as the Sun entered Capricorn (Winter Solstice) changing the way we experience things for 69.119506725787 days now.
Having as the next big move from December 31st, 1969 meaning that ‘s power is the one that shines the most.
Its effect on Capricorn is lower than with other signs, looking at the overall picture, the sign hights will perhaps come from financial situation, whilst a damper on enthusiasm can appear in love life.
Another big element here is that the Sun is in its direct path, having a positive influence on your sign, this for the next 1.8483796296296E-8 days as of December 31st, 1969 it will swap course and enter a retrograde motion, for now keeping a positive impact on the sign.
Your sense of determination could be put through the test, Saturday may prove to be peppered with preferences.
Factoring in the discomfort brought by your love life, an effective side will be brought to your financial situation.
Capricorn love horoscope
Troubles may pop-up from unexpected places in your love life, an outpour of emotions may be a downside today.
Try and keep a bit of distance when things get heated up, restoring a sense of balance will take a bit of time but will eventually happen.
Capricorn financial horoscope
You may expect a surprising boost in your finances in the days to follow, making you exit any routine present in recent times.
Money represents an important part of anyone’s life, leave room to enjoy other things in life.
Capricorn happiness and karma
Put an extra effort in all activities today, focus more on your own strength rather than luck.
Here are three of the numbers that can have an impact on Capricorn today: 26, 21, 25, and some of the colors that set the tone: black, and skyblue.