Daily Capricorn horoscope summary
Having to gather all your strength to navigate through this Friday the 30th of December 2016, a few hurtles may be thrown in your way but none that will stop you.
You may need to postpone any pursuits regarding your love life for today, and focus more on your health state, an aspect that is more likely to produce rewards.
Caution is advise for the Capricorn natives on this day, naive thinking can lead to complications later on.
Your strong character showed to others may be an impediment in making new connections, so keep an open mind at all times.
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Optimism is what you need today, even if not is what is cut out to be, bare with the times, favorable days are ahead of you.
Check you balance more often and don’t venture into useless expenses, be considered in terms of spending.
This is likely one day in which you wish you could stay in bed and fend off any interaction or effort.
Changes are announced, and by all indications, they will be for the better in your health and wellness life.