Cancer horoscope today

Archived 696157 post for Cancer on 2016-12-21

Daily Cancer horoscope summary

Warn off any decision making based solely on intuition, attention to details is needed on Wednesday more than ever.
You will probably have to look carefully at your financial status and step lightly on that terrain, yet on the terms of love life, maybe more confidence is needed.


Your love life and indeed your personal life may be affected today by some external influence, have patience and keep your distance from negative people.
All negative things are likely to pass in the following days, expecting you to restore healthy relationships.

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Your finances are most likely at the level you what them to be and this may be reflected in your state of mind.
You may seem a little short in terms of money, Cancer natives are resilient by nature and small changes in habits can get you past your problems fast.


Remain attentive, small issues may arise in terms of your health, there is nothing to worry to much, no serious illness just things that can cause you discomfort.
Reflect on the decisions that you made in the past, especially the last few weeks and draw some conclusions from that.