Aquarius summary for today:
Having passed January 14th, 2024 we see that Mercury entered Capricorn pressing on us already for 3 days now.
Having Sun entering Aquarius as the next big move from January 20th, 2024 difficult that Mercury’s influence is the one that is felt the most.
All signs point to a higher sway for Aquarius, in general, a forward-looking impact will be felt in love life, leaving the not so appealing consequences for luck state.
A crucial angle to also take into consideration is that Mercury is in its direct trajectory, blowing a positive air throughout, this for the next 3 days as of January 20th, 2024 it will swap course and enter a retrograde motion, for now keeping a positive influence on the sign.
A new relationship might spring up seemingly out of nowhere on Thursday, leaving behind any black clouds and focusing more on the future.
Specific factors are all inclining to a renewal of Aquarius, your love life and it’s evolutions being a decisive element in the day.
Aquarius love horoscope
Turn’s out that a positive wave is sweeping through today, keeping your love life filed with interest.
Having more time dedicated to that special person should have a beneficial result, Aquarius is set to receive the better this day has to offer.
Aquarius financial horoscope
A period of change is announced in your finances, decisions so far, although tough, have pushed you forward.
Finances have always been provoking to handle right, the most important thing is that this is building up to a stable situation.
Aquarius happiness and karma
Try and avoid making a decision based purely on luck, so avoid any rash actions and sit tight for a while.
These few numbers might mark a certain importance for Aquarius: 38, 50, 16, and some visual keys: violet, and aqua.