Aquarius summary for today:
Starting from December 21st, 2024 we feel something is changing as the Sun entered Capricorn (Winter Solstice) a celestial move that we have experienced for 55.11950976625 days now.
Having as the next big move from December 31st, 1969 leading us to believe ‘s presence is the one affecting us the most at the time.
Its effect on Aquarius is higher than with other signs, on a more general view, luck state will carry most of the adverse ground whilst the silver ligning will be shown on financial situation.
Another big element here is that the Sun is in its direct way, having a positive influence on your sign, having 1.880787037037E-8 days left until the progression switches back to a retrograde motion after December 31st, 1969, thus giving a positive mark currently on the sign.
Relationships are set to blossom on Saturday as a new wave of optimism sweeps in, pushing you to take on new challenges and aproach new people.
Aquarius is getting the spotlight on them for a change, and the biggest effect should come in your financial situation.
Aquarius love horoscope
A lot of uncertainty seems to lay over Aquarius love life, one relationship in particular can bring the most challenges.
Try and stay vigilant, analyze every situation before making a move, don’t stress too much, elements are at work in your favor.
Aquarius financial horoscope
You should have reasons to smile when checking your balance, a good opportunity to invest may be presented to you.
You’ve come a long way with your financial status, this area of your life should see an improvement.
Aquarius happiness and karma
Try and avoid making a decision based purely on luck, take it easy and don’t rush into action.
A small group of numbers that could impact the day for Aquarius: 19, 50, 40, keeping a visual reference with magenta, and aqua.