Aquarius horoscope today

Archived 734459 post for Aquarius on 2017-01-02

Daily Aquarius horoscope summary

Stay alert and fend off any unnecessary challenges on Monday the 2nd of January 2017.
Especially in the are of your love life problems may emerge for the day, but nothing permanent, on an up side, your financial status should give you confidence.


Diplomacy is what you need to enforce today, this skill can help you navigate and escape any unnecessary argument.
A complicated and complex day is ahead of you, decisions may influence your personal life, so take a step back and think things over.

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You need to keep your optimism even if you feel that the financial status is not living to your expectations.
Risky gambles are not advised today, you may be on the right track in the recovery of past financial glory, but patience is still needed for you to get there.


Fitness levels could be very low especially in the first part of the day, you could get tired more easily and it will be tricky to stay alert.
It’s not easy to get on a path of healthy living, but you have to start now, try and not postpone it further.